Spirituality Of Australia’s Aborigines

The indigenous people of Australia, known as the aborigines, are a highly spiritual people with a rich religious life. Although much of the traditional lifestyle has been changed due to the colonization of Australia from other cultures (especially Europe) the traditional religious beliefs are based on a sense of belonging with the environment, the land,… [Read More]

A Scientist Discovers The Afterlife?

Science is science and spirituality is spirituality and never the twain shall meet … most of the time. As most of us know, science is all about the material world. Anything which cannot be measured or monitored or be verified by the five senses is not considered ‘real’. Spirituality is far more about faith, belief… [Read More]

The Best Psychic Phone Numbers To Call

Those who enjoy the help of professional psychics usually have a favorite psychic or favorite psychic network they like to call. Naturally, everyone thinks they know the best psychic phone numbers to call, and that is as it should be. If a particular psychic, or a psychic phone number to contact a number of different… [Read More]

Mystics And Christianity

When most people hear the word ‘mystic’ or ‘mystical’ they are more likely to associate the word with the occult, wizards, magick, otherworldliness, weird gurus or, in modern times, with the New Age movement. Truth is, however, that mystics have been part of every religion throughout history, even the Christian religion. The term ‘mystic’ has… [Read More]

Understanding Spiritualists: History Of Spiritualism

It is difficult to tell if Spiritualism is a belief system or a formal religion. As a form of spirituality, spiritualism seems far more evolving that old, established religions. Also, spiritualism has a tendency to be welcoming to many other religions while most major religions seems to be adverse (and in some cases openly hostel)… [Read More]

Understanding Taurus Women

Understanding a woman can be difficult enough. Understanding a Taurus woman can present additional challenges. Luckily, a Taurus woman has many clearly defined characteristics, and knowing these characteristics can make understanding her significantly easier. Taurus individuals are most famous for their stubbornness You are likely to find a Taurus woman is determined, seeks stability, and… [Read More]

What Is Clairaudience?

Many people believe that there is more to the human mind than what science has already uncovered. It is the firm belief of many that humans possess extraordinary powers that allow them to exert their influence over the world with the power of their will alone. These powers are collectively known as psychic powers. These… [Read More]

Tips On Developing Psychic Abilities

There are many people who are considered to be psychics and anyone who has encountered someone with these abilities believes that it is an amazing feat by someone who was given a gift. However, every true psychic will tell others willing to listen that it is possible for everyone to develop their own psychic abilities… [Read More]