Many regular people and most scientists would scoff at the idea that there is any veracity to claims of psychic phenomena. However, there are researchers who not only believe that these phenomena are very real, but that there is strong scientific evidence for them as well. Though this may surprise many people, a considerable amount… [Read More]
Ghost Hunting for Beginners
Introduction: With the growing number of ghost hunting shows available on television the interest in this field has never been higher. Amateur ghost hunters are taking to the field in record numbers, and many do not have the skills needed to be both safe and effective. Interest in the paranormal is certainly not new and… [Read More]
Ouija Board Safety
If you happen to believe that there is a spirit world, an afterlife, then you may find that when used properly Ouija boards can be a valuable tool for communicating with the world beyond. However, it is worth noting that those familiar with ouija boards and spirit contact recommend certain precautions be taken. With a… [Read More]
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle And Psychics
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) may be most widely recognized as the creator of the legendary detective, Sherlock Holmes. However, Sir Arthur Conan Doye’s interests were wide and varied, and the success of the Sherlock novels, which assured him a substantial income, allowed him to devote considerable time to other pursuits which included an abiding… [Read More]