Marie Anne Lenormand and the Napoleonic Era

As Napoleon rose in power and married the now widowed Josephine, it wasn’t long before Marie Anne Lenormand became part of the ruling elite’s inner circle. She began delivering readings for generals, top officials and even the Royalty from other nations. Lenormand and Josephine would become very close, something that Napoleon had suspicions about. At… [Read More]

Marie Anne Lenormand: The Early Years

Marie-Anne Lenormand was orphaned as a child. Fortunately, she came from a family with money. Her step-mother was able to see to her upbringing and education. Marie-Anne Lenormand likely was a handful to deal with even as a child. She was placed in the Royal Abbey of Benedictines where, at the age of 7, was… [Read More]

Augury: Lost Form of Divination

Augury is one of those misunderstood words, possibly because true augury has been largely lost in the shadows of ancient history. If a person knows or has heard the word at all, they generally believe it is another word for divination. That is close. Augury is an ancient word, and over time has come to… [Read More]

Tarot and Synchronicity

Synchronicity is a fascinating phenomenon. One can think of synchronicity as ‘meaningful coincidence’. The word was coined by Carl Jung, the father of analytical psychology, to describe a phenomenon he felt was a sort of law of nature (more than that, a law that was a part of the spiritual development of each person). Synchronicity… [Read More]

Synchronicity: Key to Divination?

Sting and The Police were so fascinated by it that they named their final studio album after it. Carl Jung, the prominent Swiss psychologist, dedicated his career to it. What do these musicians and a world famous psychologist have in common? Synchronicity. Carl Jung created the word to identify "the acausal connecting principle." What is… [Read More]

Ophiuchus Traits – Is the Thirteenth Sign Here to Stay?

In a previous article The Thirteenth Zodiac Sign Ophiuchus: What Does It Mean? we discussed the rising interest in this ‘new’ thirteenth Zodiac sign and the mythology behind Ophiuchus (also known as Asclepius, son of Apollo). In this article we will explore the traits of those born under the constellation of Ophiuchus and if this… [Read More]

Brief History of Numerology

Mathematics is often called the universal language. The physical laws that govern the universe are constant throughout the universe, and mathematics is intimately connected with physics. For numerologists, numbers are also a constant in the universe, but in a different fashion. Numerologists take this scientific relationship a step further and argue that numbers themselves have… [Read More]

How to Choose a Tarot Deck

Beginning tarot readers may easily be overwhelmed by the plethora of options when it comes to choosing a tarot deck. The leading site for tarot lists over 1,200 decks, and picking one at random or because you like the artwork can lead to great frustration. Following are some tips that will make navigating the numerous… [Read More]