Can You Be a Christian Psychic? What the Bible Says

Imagine living in a time where drinking water at the wrong time of day could be the difference between living and dying. That’s the kind of thing that happened before the nature of pathogens and germs was known. Now imagine you had a vision of sanitation, pipes, running water, and filter mechanisms. How would you… [Read More]

Was Reincarnation Intentionally Removed from the Bible?

The Internet is loaded with conspiracy theories. It seems that conspiracy theories are a major form of entertainment on the Web. However, a great many of these conspiracy theories run thin on facts and long on fantasy, so it is best to do a good deal of fact checking (and reading both sides of an… [Read More]

Religious Rebellion: The Christian Gnostics

The Gnostics never called themselves ‘Gnostics’. The word ‘Gnostics’ is actually a term coined by a 17th century philosopher to describe early Christian sects who held spiritual beliefs different from another powerful Christian group, lead by Irenaeus, who wanted to establish ‘authorized’ scriptures, specific beliefs and a hierarchy of authority. The early Gnostic Christian movement… [Read More]

Assemble a Team of Angels for Abundance

A wise man once said that teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. There is a certain power in working as a team. It means not having to face struggles alone; having someone to watch your back; having the support you need when things get tough. Your support team need… [Read More]

A Look at Guardian Angels

Although the idea of spiritual beings has been present since ancient times, the contemporary, popular image of the guardian angel is relatively new in historical terms. Very early in human history the belief in spirits, or animism, was universal. Primitive man did not believe in fundamentally all-good or all-evil entities; rather, spirits possessed a form… [Read More]

Why So Many Versions of the Bible?

If you’ve looked for a Christian Bible online, then you may have found the wide array of Bible editions and translations confusing. Some versions were simply translated by different people, in different times in history and in different styles. Others may include material you’ve never seen or heard of before or exclude sections that are… [Read More]

Saint Valentine: Serious About Love

Valentine’s Day has for centuries been about romantic love. Few though, know the full story behind Valentine’s Day, named after Saint Valentine’s day. Fact is, we may never know the full story behind Saint Valentine, especially since there are actually 3 Saint Valentines listed in the The Catholic Encyclopedia (and all are associated with February… [Read More]

Common Misconceptions About Christianity

Though Christianity is the most popular religion in the world, there are many misconceptions about Christianity which are held by both Christians and non-Christians alike. The following article will clear up some of the most common ones. There was no historical Jesus – Though we have no way of knowing for certain, the majority of… [Read More]