Astrology Signs Can Help Direct Your Career Path: Here’s What You Need to Know

How Astrology Signs Can Help Direct Your Career Path Are you struggling to choose the best career or wondering if you made the right decision? Learn how astrology signs can help direct your career path. Finding your path in life does not come easily. It is a constant effort of balancing your desires and responsibilities… [Read More]

The Legend of Psychic Moll Pitcher: A True Story

Chances are you have never heard of Moll Pitcher, one of the most famous clairvoyants in early American history … unless, of course, you grew up in the New England area of the United States. Then, you may have heard the name ‘Moll Pitcher’ in reference to a famous, legendary witch (whom you assumed was… [Read More]

The Psychic Horse: Lady Wonder

There are two distinct types of people. Those who feel there can be some sort of ‘psychic’ connection between pets and owners – and – those who think there cannot be any sort of ‘telepathic’ connection between pets and owners because there is no such thing as telepathy or psychic abilities. There are those who… [Read More]

The First Psychics: The Sibyls

There are many false myths about psychics and psychic phenomenon. For example: One would think that psychics don’t have a long history. It’s not uncommon for people to think that the whole field of psychics and psychic readings somehow began a few hundred years ago, at best. Another is that psychics have always been rejected… [Read More]

Scientific Look At Psychic Phenomena

Many regular people and most scientists would scoff at the idea that there is any veracity to claims of psychic phenomena. However, there are researchers who not only believe that these phenomena are very real, but that there is strong scientific evidence for them as well. Though this may surprise many people, a considerable amount… [Read More]

Psychic George Colby and the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp

Believe it or not, there is a town in central Florida often called "Psychic Capital of the World". This spiritualist community of clairvoyants, mediums, trance psychics and others has been established for over a century. It is called Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp and one could say it is one of the oldest, continuous psychic communities in… [Read More]

Tips For New Years Psychic Readings

Besides love readings, I believe the next busiest time for psychics is around New Years. I mean, who wouldn’t want to know what the next year will be like? It is like getting a chance to sneak a peek at the test questions before actually taking the test in school. Or, like finding out what… [Read More]

Value Of Love Psychics And Love Readings

Why A Love Psychic? Love psychics play an important role in many people’s lives. Providing an insight in love, partners, relationship both in the present or the past is the most common reason people contact psychics. It does not matter if you are married or single, everyone wants someone to spend quality time with and… [Read More]