Astrology Signs Can Help Direct Your Career Path: Here’s What You Need to Know

How Astrology Signs Can Help Direct Your Career Path Are you struggling to choose the best career or wondering if you made the right decision? Learn how astrology signs can help direct your career path. Finding your path in life does not come easily. It is a constant effort of balancing your desires and responsibilities… [Read More]

Is it Chemistry? Or Compatibility?

This new person you met. You’re feeling a definite, powerful attraction, yet you know little about them. You seem to share the same likes and dislikes, and even your disagreements are exciting. So, is it chemistry? Or compatibility? If it is both, great, but which matters more? If you feel neither chemistry nor compatibility with… [Read More]

Is Perfectionism Damaging to Intimate Relationships?

We have all met perfectionists. They are those people who have an inability to accept anything less than what he/she perceives as perfect. If you have ever been in an intimate relationship with such a person, then you likely know that perfectionists can be difficult to live with, especially if the perfectionism starts to be… [Read More]

When Marriage is a Bad Idea

One perennial question psychics, astrologers and tarot readers get is, "Should I marry him?" or "Should I marry her?". This question can come in many forms, for example, someone might ask if the person they are dating or a long time lover have a future together? Or, when will so-and-so pop the question of marriage…. [Read More]

Simple Love Spell to Improve Romantic Relationships

All too often people who look for simple love spells tend to find love spells that focus on finding a new lover or change something about themselves so they can start a relationship. These are not the type of love spells you need when you’re already in a relationship and want to maintain or improve… [Read More]

Using Conflict for Personal Development

People often contact psychic readers because a conflict has arisen and they are not sure how to deal with it. A psychic may be able to give you insights into how the conflict arose, and perhaps some information that enables you to begin the process of getting past the conflict. But in the end, it… [Read More]

Bringing Back The Love

It happens to many couples whether married, living together or in a long term relationship: One day, you’re hopelessly in love with each other, and the next, you wonder exactly who this stranger is in your home. Is he angry or something? Is she tired of me? Why doesn’t he figure out I’m bored? Why… [Read More]

Psychics and Love Readings

The number one type of psychic reading requested by clients is the love reading. Typical questions are, "Will my boyfriend come back?" … "Is she serious about me?" … "Is my husband seeing someone else?" … "Is this relationship going to last?" … "Why is he/she acting this way?". Questions about love and love relationships… [Read More]