A great number of books have been written about dreams and dream interpretation. Many of them offer generalized meanings for various dream symbols – i.e., "horses refer to male sexuality," "arrows are the phallus," etc. Similarly, online searches on the topic of dreams will lead predominantly to "dream dictionaries" that have cut-and-dry translations for virtually… [Read More]
Dreams That Cross Into the Paranormal
Most paranormal experiences seem to occur during the evening and at night, just before dawn. It has been speculated by those who do paranormal research that when physical world becomes quiet and electrical activity slows (such as power usage, cars and industrial activity) that it becomes easier for paranormal activity to occur. Others speculate that… [Read More]
Saint Francis of Assisi – Guided By Visions
Saint Francis of Assisi is one of the most unique, if not extraordinary, people in the history of Christianity. This especially applies to his sense of spirituality. Saint Francis is also a life directed by visions and prophetic dreams. The spirituality of St. Francis stood in stark contrast to how the Church was perceived during… [Read More]
Personal Dream Interpretation The Easy Way
Dream interpretation is an excellent tool for self-help and self-discovery. It also offers the possibility of strengthening your psychic and or intuitive abilities. Often, however, it can seem that understanding dreams can be so complicated in symbolism that finding their meaning appears challenging. Following are some quick tips on how to begin a process of… [Read More]
Dreamcatcher: History And Spirituality
Dreamcatchers are of Native American origin. Though many think this is a simple trinket to hang near one’s bed in order to ‘prevent bad dreams’ the truth is that the dreamcatcher actually has a deep spiritual history behind it. For those who are more mystically minded, understanding the history and spirituality behind the dreamcatcher may… [Read More]
Any Individual Can Learn And Use Lucid Dreaming Techniques
Everybody dreams just about every night no matter whether they know it or not. Many people swear that they never dream, but the fact is that they do. Individuals who think they don’t dream just are not remembering their dreams. It is important to understand that every person not only dreams, but all of us… [Read More]