Finding The Perfect Psychic For You

Finding The Perfect Psychic In Three Easy Steps So there you are looking through the bios of dozens of different psychics, tarot readers, astrologers looking for the perfect perfect psychic. You want answers, maybe some ‘special’ help with an issue. Perhaps a lover has been remote, or your dreams have been vivid and seem to… [Read More]

What Is Clairaudience?

Many people believe that there is more to the human mind than what science has already uncovered. It is the firm belief of many that humans possess extraordinary powers that allow them to exert their influence over the world with the power of their will alone. These powers are collectively known as psychic powers. These… [Read More]

Understanding Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is a term used to describe the ability to see or know things using a sense other than the five known physical senses. For this reason it is also referred to as the sixth sense or extra sensory perception. Clairvoyance is classified as a psychic experience and it comes in many different forms. There… [Read More]

Emanuel Swedenborg: Clairvoyant Scientist

So often the mystical and scientific seem at odds, like oil and water, it is as if the two cannot mix. Largely, the scientific community has no need for, and can be openly hostile towards, mystical thinkers. When it comes to something like psychics and the gift of clairvoyance or the spirit world, you will… [Read More]