A good number of pet owners attest to having a deep, inexplicable bond with their animal companions. Many note the curious way their pet always seems to be able to sense their mood or intent. Reports of pets detecting unexpected, oncoming health events in their owners moments before they actually happen are as common as… [Read More]
Is The Paranormal Normal For Our Pets?
Filed Under: Paranormal Tagged With: pets, psychic gift, spirits
Tips On Developing Psychic Abilities
By Danial Chung
There are many people who are considered to be psychics and anyone who has encountered someone with these abilities believes that it is an amazing feat by someone who was given a gift. However, every true psychic will tell others willing to listen that it is possible for everyone to develop their own psychic abilities… [Read More]
Filed Under: Metaphysical, New Age, Paranormal, Psychics, Spirituality & Religion, Wicca And Pagan Tagged With: meditation, metaphysical, psychic, psychic abilities, psychic gift, self-improvement, Spiritual