The Gnostics never called themselves ‘Gnostics’. The word ‘Gnostics’ is actually a term coined by a 17th century philosopher to describe early Christian sects who held spiritual beliefs different from another powerful Christian group, lead by Irenaeus, who wanted to establish ‘authorized’ scriptures, specific beliefs and a hierarchy of authority. The early Gnostic Christian movement… [Read More]
A Look at Guardian Angels
Although the idea of spiritual beings has been present since ancient times, the contemporary, popular image of the guardian angel is relatively new in historical terms. Very early in human history the belief in spirits, or animism, was universal. Primitive man did not believe in fundamentally all-good or all-evil entities; rather, spirits possessed a form… [Read More]
Truth and Misconceptions About Wicca & Witches
Wiccans or witches have been greatly misunderstood and persecuted throughout history. The main reason is because so many people do not understand what it means to be Wiccan. The media and organized religions play a big part in the misunderstanding still going on today. Wicca is not just a religion; it is a way of… [Read More]
Namaste: Etymology and Meanings
Namaste (pronounced Naa-ma-stay) is a greeting in the Hindi language from India. The ‘namaste’ greeting has become popular in recent years, especially among the New Age thinkers in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia. In the West, the namaste greeting is often associated with the spirituality of India – and it can mean anything… [Read More]
Brief History of Angels
When you hear the term “angel”, what image enters your mind? For hundreds of years, the western angel has been represented in art as a human with wings, usually adorned with a white robe and sometimes with armor and sword. The angel is depicted as an agent of God and as a force of divine… [Read More]
A Look At Hindu Deities
There are many deities in Hinduism. If you ask one hundred Hindu devotees who the most important Hindu deities are, you will likely get one hundred different answers. Some put the number as high as 330 million. Depictions of Hindu deities often differ because each image shows different symbols of the deity’s qualities. The features,… [Read More]
Alexander The Great And Oracles
Alexander the Great was an ancient warrior and king of Macedonia who would conquer most of the known world from the Himalayan mountains of Asia to Egypt and doing so in a surprisingly short time and at a surprisingly young age Though Alexander lived only into his thirties, 2000 years after his death, he is… [Read More]