Spend enough time around ‘New Age’ thinkers and you are bound to encounter the concept of the ‘Akashic Records’, a supposed celestial collection of records that hold the history of every moment, every thought, of every human being. Some feel the Akashic records hold not just the history of every person, but also the record… [Read More]
Has The Age Of Aquarius Begun?
Is it the Age of Aquarius, yet? Is it the dawning of Aquarius as the hit 1969 from the musical ‘Hair’ said? Seems a simple question, but in astrological terms the answer is unclear. Could be yes, could be no. What we do know is this: If we are not already living in the Age… [Read More]
Ruth Montgomery: Psychic Pioneer
With the explosion of psychic services and psychic related articles online it is easy to forget the unlikely psychic pioneer Ruth Montgomery, 1912 – 2001, who pre-dates the Internet and this renewed public interest in the paranormal. Ruth Montgomery was a successful news journalist after graduating Baylor University and Purdue University. Where many know that… [Read More]
Runes And Rune Stone Readings
Runes used in Rune stone readings can come in many different forms such as actual smooth stones with raised or indented markings, pieces of bone, or even pieces of wood with wood burnt markings on the flat sides. The traditional runes are thought to have originated in the 4th century, and continue to this day… [Read More]