Paganism is not one, all-encompassing religion. Most pagan belief systems promote the importance of Nature in all Her forms, but their pantheons, forms of worship, and individual practices vary greatly. Followers of Ásatrú value their Norse deities’ might and valor. Hellenists adhere to the classic beliefs of the Ancient Greeks. Then, there are the Celts. The Celtic… [Read More]
What to Expect from a Reiki Massage Therapist
Massage and Reiki are two practices that can help you relieve stress and help you connect with your spiritual and your physical body. Both are healing practices that have been scientifically proven to provide people with stress and pain relief. But if you’ve never had a Reiki treatment performed by a Reiki massage therapist before,… [Read More]
Celtic Shamanism and Faerie Magic
"These joyful spirits will gather where children play and in any area in which nature is allowed to grow free. . . . Wherever there is ceremony, joy, and color, these beings will be found." – Ted Andrews, Enchantment of the Faerie Realm The Celtic Shamanic Tradition Shamanism is a practice that can be found… [Read More]
Mysterious Spirits: Nats of Myanmar
Likely, wherever you are right now, most of the people around you don’t believe in spirits or ghosts. If they do, they keep quiet about it, considering it a personal issue. It’s even less likely that those around you believe that spirits can be contacted; or that spirits exist in all things; OR THAT these… [Read More]
Native American Spirituality: The Maidu
The Maidu are a group of Native American people who originally resided in northern California of the U.S., in the area between the Sacramento River and the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The Maidu culture is known for skilled basket weaving and beautiful rock art. The Maidu also had a rich spiritual tradition, particularly when it came… [Read More]
A Look at Apache Spirituality
The Apache are a diverse group of Native American people who traditionally resided in southwestern areas of the United States and northern areas of Mexico. This was a large geographical area which consisted of mountains, valleys, deserts, and plains. The Apache spoke at least seven different languages and had many unique customs and spiritual belief…. [Read More]
Smudge Negative Energy From Your Home
The practice of smudging dates back thousands of years. Although smudging is largely associated with Native Americans, First Peoples and recently with Wicca, you might be surprised to learn the smudging, or the use of smoke from burning herbs in spiritual rituals, has an esteemed sister, incense. The use of burning incense in spiritual rituals… [Read More]
Arapaho Artistic Symbolism
The Arapaho are a Native American tribe who historically reside on the plains of Wyoming and Colorado. Traditional Arapaho art and symbolism was deep in meaning and highly representational. Arapaho art was embroidered on clothing and footwear using colored beads, fibers, or quills. It could also be painted or carved into various objects in a… [Read More]