The three Magi, also known as the three wise men, are among the most well-known individuals in Christian theology. They are often depicted or referenced in art, literature, and film, especially around Christmas time. Yet, as prominent of figures as the 3 wise men have become, these magi from the east remain enigmatic at best…. [Read More]
They Came From The East: The Three Magi of Christmas
Filed Under: Mythology & Legends Tagged With: ancient history, astrologers, Christmas, history, mystics
What Is a Psychonaut?
By John Casey
"Psychonaut". It is a very cool word. The short definition: A psychonaut is someone who explores altered states of consciousness, unique states of mind and possibilities outside the mind altogether. It can apply to test subjects involved in the scientific exploration of psychic phenomenon. It can as well apply to the scientists doing the research…. [Read More]
Filed Under: Metaphysical Tagged With: alternative spirituality, metaphysics, mystics
Mystics And Christianity
When most people hear the word ‘mystic’ or ‘mystical’ they are more likely to associate the word with the occult, wizards, magick, otherworldliness, weird gurus or, in modern times, with the New Age movement. Truth is, however, that mystics have been part of every religion throughout history, even the Christian religion. The term ‘mystic’ has… [Read More]
Filed Under: Christianity, Metaphysical, New Age Tagged With: Christian, Christian mystics, christianity, Christians, mystical, mystics, religion, self-improvement, Spiritual