There are four suits in the Minor Arcana, similar to the four suits found in a deck of playing cards. Each suit has specific meanings and relates to a particular area of life. Learning about tarot is learning about each suit, and becoming acquainted with each card within that suit. The suit called pentacles relates… [Read More]
The Queens: Leading Ladies of the Tarot
While the Queens of the Tarot deck can represent people in a reading, these royal ladies can also represent qualities of the person who draws these cards. The tarot queen cards can be offering insights into events of the past, present or future. One thing that often proves true is the queen tarot cards represent… [Read More]
Guide to Create Tarot Spreads
Learning To Create Your Own, Personal Tarot Spreads Is Easier Than You Think! Whether you are a seasoned reader of Tarot cards, or just a beginner, understanding how to create your own, personal spreads can prove to be very valuable. Traditional and well accepted spreads are wonderful, however, Tarot is a very personal exploration in… [Read More]
Meaning Of The Magician Tarot Card
Today during a tarot reading the Magician tarot card was drawn. For whatever reason, the card took on more clarity and it’s importance, particularly these days, seemed to stand out. I felt an impulse to provide some general information about this unique tarot card to others … and here we are. The Magician tarot card… [Read More]
Unique Tarot Spreads
The shape of a tarot reading, also known as the tarot spread, can be tailored to the subject of the reading. There are many lesser well-known spreads that can be used for obtaining specific details from the Universe. For people who trust the Tarot to reveal helpful information, these less popular spreads can help find… [Read More]
A Look At Deviant Moon Tarot
Deviant Moon Tarot is a brand of tarot cards originating in 2008, from artist Patrick Valenza. The product is a re-imagination of the tarot cards famous for their use by gypsies and fortune tellers, Valenza’s designs take a disturbing, yet unique approach towards creating a tarot deck reflecting those original tarot readers. Since the release… [Read More]
Morgan-Greer Tarot
Tarot cards are a specific method of divining answers about the present, past and future for individuals that need help and are seeking guidance. They have been around for centuries, believed to be originated in Italy the cards have changed quite a bit over time, however the general concepts remain. The modern deck has four different suits of minor arcana and twenty two major arcana.