Buddhism and Psychic Experiences

Where Christianity has become the dominant religion of the West, the East has been (an largely remains) dominated by it’s own forms of spirituality. Early in the development of the Christian church certain leaders determined that anything remotely ‘psychic’ or ‘paranormal’ was to be considered questionable, if not downright evil. Unless, of course, such psychic… [Read More]

Four Indicators of a Past Life

Reincarnation has been a central theme in religion and spirituality for as long as such belief systems have existed. Everyone from the ancient Greeks to the tribes of West Africa to the aborigines of Australia have embraced the concept. Meanwhile, mystics, hypnotists, and even scientific researchers have gone as far as to make entire careers… [Read More]

Edgar Cayce: Shaped By Early Life Experiences

Edgar Cayce May Have Acquired His Psychic Gifts In Previous Incarnations, but, His Experiences Early in Life Certainly Shaped America’s Greatest Psychic Kentucky native Edgar Cayce was one of the most celebrated psychics who ever lived. Edgar Cayce’s Legacy is certainly one of the most impressive for a psychic in modern history. Born into an… [Read More]

What Is Claircognizance?

We’ve all experienced it. That….feeling. The less mystic-minded may describe the sensation as a gut feeling, or perhaps simply intuition. But, those that believe in psychic abilities have a clear term for that feeling a person gets when they just know that they are right about something – regardless of the fact that they have… [Read More]

What Is Clairsentient?

Clairsentient means “clear feeling” and may also be called psychometry. It is one of four major metaphysical senses. Clairvoyance-”clear seeing“, clairaudience-”clear hearing” , and claircognizance-”clear knowing”, are the other three. All four are considered a form of extrasensory perception, at least in the scientific community. A clairsentient is a person who has the ability to… [Read More]

What Is Clairaudience?

Many people believe that there is more to the human mind than what science has already uncovered. It is the firm belief of many that humans possess extraordinary powers that allow them to exert their influence over the world with the power of their will alone. These powers are collectively known as psychic powers. These… [Read More]