Mystery and History of Kabbalah

Judaism is often seen as a religion more concerned with the practicalities of everyday life than with esoteric teachings or mystical flights. Most Jewish teachings do, indeed, focus on doing your best to follow God’s will while here on earth (rather than devoting time and energy to unraveling the mysteries of the divine). Judaism does,… [Read More]

The Power of Gratitude

One might think that Thanksgiving is just about the turkey, football and an excuse for a 4 day weekend. Another way to consider Thanksgiving is as an important exercise in spirituality – for the power of gratitude and it’s importance in nearly all the world’s major religions in well documented. Yes, historically Thanksgiving arose from… [Read More]

Why So Many Versions of the Bible?

If you’ve looked for a Christian Bible online, then you may have found the wide array of Bible editions and translations confusing. Some versions were simply translated by different people, in different times in history and in different styles. Others may include material you’ve never seen or heard of before or exclude sections that are… [Read More]

Common Misconceptions About Christianity

Though Christianity is the most popular religion in the world, there are many misconceptions about Christianity which are held by both Christians and non-Christians alike. The following article will clear up some of the most common ones. There was no historical Jesus – Though we have no way of knowing for certain, the majority of… [Read More]

Reincarnation And Its Place In Christianity

Reincarnation is the belief that, when we die, our souls come back to life in new bodies. It is a philosophical concept that many religions believe to be true. Reincarnation is a core belief in Hinduism, closely linked to “karma” – the sum of one’s good and bad deeds that eventually determines one’s rebirth. Other… [Read More]

A Brief History Of Meditation

Meditation is an ancient mind-body practice which draws on the focusing of attention to create a sense of inner peace. The term itself comes from the Latin meaning "to ponder", or to think. In some form or another, meditation has been around for thousands of years and is still practiced today in its contemporary form…. [Read More]

Beginners Look At Buddhist Zazen Meditation

The most fundamental techniques of Zen Buddhism is zazen, which literally translated means "seated meditation". The main principle behind Zen Buddhism is to actively meditate to calm the body and mind so that you can focus on your "inner self" and find the Buddha-nature within. Often the teacher will give the more advanced zazen students… [Read More]

Who Was Buddha?

Gautama Buddha (also known as Siddhartha Gautama Buddha) was a spiritual leader from the country of India whose teachings later helped for the religion of Buddhism. The specific word Buddha is used to describe the first period of awakening for the followers of Buddhism as well. Gautama Buddha is referred to in the Buddhist religion… [Read More]