What to Expect From a Past Life Regression Session

Reincarnation is a belief held by many of the world’s major religions. Jainism, Hinduism, and Sikhism all hold beliefs in reincarnation. The major tenants of these religions are that the souls recycle after death.  To the individual, this belief means that they may have had a previous life experience. And, this life (or lives) may have… [Read More]

How Many Archangels Are There and What Do They Do?

Have you ever faced a crisis and found the answer through a voice in your head? Or had a gut feeling that leads you the right way? Do you ever wonder where those feelings and answers come from? Throughout time and history, there have been stories of spiritual beings. These beings interact with and influence… [Read More]

What Are the Common Types of Psychics?

Are you looking for help in the spiritual realm? Sometimes the terminology can be confusing, and it’s hard to know what kind of psychic you should hire. The different types of psychics have specific skills, so knowing the categories can help you figure out what you need. Below we give you an overview of the… [Read More]

Indigenous Identity: Your Guide to Understanding Two Spirit People

Two spirit people have been noticed in at least 155 different tribes across North America. But where does the term “two spirit” come from and what does it mean? Even if you think you have heard all the different LGBTQ definitions, you may not have heard of two spirit people. That’s because this group is small and specific,… [Read More]

Hearts on Fire: 10 Crystals to Attract Love

The market for crystals started growing in the 70s and 80s and has taken off since then. More and more people are starting to realize the benefits of these crystals and how real the energy is that comes from them. If you are trying to find a new relationship but all the dating apps aren’t… [Read More]

10 Things You Should Know When Going to a Reiki Healing Session

Are you considering energy healing for your next spiritual boost? Reiki is an ancient healing modality designed to bring emotional and physical well-being to patients. Its central principle involves the movement of energy at the hands of a Reiki healer. There are many benefits to reiki, particularly when it comes to physical manifestations of emotional… [Read More]

Muscle Tension Treatment: A Brief Overview of Metaphysical Healing

Do you have chronic muscle pain that doctors can’t pinpoint? Maybe it manifests in your shoulders or neck, it’s usually at a joint. Your problem may not be wholly medical – it could be emotional. Emotional trauma and tension mess with our energy flow and get stuck at different points. Before fancy things like cortisol… [Read More]

Handling Conflict in a Romantic Relationship

No matter how much you love your partner, there are moments when you are going to be at odds with each other. No matter how trivial your disagreement or conflict might seem, you need to be able to communicate clearly with your partner. You need to be able to handle conflicts in way that do… [Read More]