How Astrology Signs Can Help Direct Your Career Path Are you struggling to choose the best career or wondering if you made the right decision? Learn how astrology signs can help direct your career path. Finding your path in life does not come easily. It is a constant effort of balancing your desires and responsibilities… [Read More]
The Thirteenth Zodiac Sign Ophiuchus: What Does It Mean?
If you have even a passing interest in astrology, you may have heard of the ‘thirteenth sign’. Embraced by some astrologers and debunked by others, it has certainly caused a stir in astrological circles. Whether or not it should be included in an astrological chart reading is entirely up to the individual astrologer and his/her… [Read More]
History Of Western Astrology
Have you ever looked at the night sky and wondered what secrets the stars hold? If you have, you’re not alone. As long as men and women have been on earth I suspect they have gazed skyward toward the stars and wondered. As to the secrets of the stars, I think those secrets are infinite… [Read More]
Has The Age Of Aquarius Begun?
Is it the Age of Aquarius, yet? Is it the dawning of Aquarius as the hit 1969 from the musical ‘Hair’ said? Seems a simple question, but in astrological terms the answer is unclear. Could be yes, could be no. What we do know is this: If we are not already living in the Age… [Read More]
What Is The Age Of Aquarius?
Many have heard the term ‘Age of Aquarius’. Most associate the term ‘Age of Aquarius’ with the late 1960s song ‘Aquarius/Let The Sun Shine In’ which was part of the hit musical ‘Hair’. The Age of Aquarius is suppose herald the dawning of a new Age for humanity. The entire counter culture revolution that began… [Read More]
Dating Pisces Women: Attraction And Seduction
Oh, those Pisces women. Confuse and break your heart, they can. But, if it works romantically with a Pisces woman, it can be almost a spiritual experience. Pisces women are those women born in the Zodiac Sign Pisces which is between February 19th and March 20th. Understanding a Pisces is not easy, and yet it… [Read More]