Mysterious Spirits: Nats of Myanmar

Likely, wherever you are right now, most of the people around you don’t believe in spirits or ghosts. If they do, they keep quiet about it, considering it a personal issue. It’s even less likely that those around you believe that spirits can be contacted; or that spirits exist in all things; OR THAT these… [Read More]

Understanding Spiritualists: History Of Spiritualism

It is difficult to tell if Spiritualism is a belief system or a formal religion. As a form of spirituality, spiritualism seems far more evolving that old, established religions. Also, spiritualism has a tendency to be welcoming to many other religions while most major religions seems to be adverse (and in some cases openly hostel)… [Read More]

The Psychics Of Lily Dale

Located in western New York in the town of Pomfret, Lily Dale is considered to be the home of one of the largest Spiritualist communities in the world. Spiritualists became prominent in the United States in the mid-1800s, when a freethinking movement began to consider the idea that spirits can communicate from the afterlife. Many… [Read More]

How To Deal With Ghosts

Ghosts, spirits, apparitions have been reported in every culture since the beginning of recorded history. Even in the most advanced civilizations today, there is always part of the society who has some metaphysical explanation for ghostly, paranormal events. Because ghosts and spirit fall in the realm of the spiritual, science has no means to explore… [Read More]

What Is A Seance?

A seance is a group ritual intended to provide a bridge of communication between the world of the living and the realm of the dead. Often a seance is held for the purpose of achieving ‘closure’ for those left behind in this world. Opinions vary on the ‘truth’ about seances with many considering it a… [Read More]