Mystical Powers Of Aquamarine Crystals

One could say that Aquamarine was 35 million years in the making within the depths of the earth. Aquamarine crystal is classified as a beryl crystal and part of the beryl group of minerals. As such it is considered a semi-precious stone, and the beauty of Aquamarine certainly merits that status. The word ‘Aquamarine’ is… [Read More]

A Scientist Discovers The Afterlife?

Science is science and spirituality is spirituality and never the twain shall meet … most of the time. As most of us know, science is all about the material world. Anything which cannot be measured or monitored or be verified by the five senses is not considered ‘real’. Spirituality is far more about faith, belief… [Read More]

Power And Magic Of Amethyst Crystals

Much mystery, myth and power surround the Amethyst crystals. For one, scientist are still unsure precisely how the amethyst crystals form. Amethyst ranges from light to deep purple in color, the deeper it’s color the more valued it is. What is known is that amethyst quartz crystals are created from the heat of the earth,… [Read More]

Put Money Magick And Luck In Your Life

When it comes to money and business, we could all use a little magick. For many of us, magick is a bit like luck. People find that doing certain actions at the right time can appear to enhance our chances that good luck comes our way. You are unlikely to find any professional sports team… [Read More]

Dowsing: A Psychic Form Of Divination?

Dowsing is as old as humanity itself. In short, dowsing is a means to find something. It has been used to find everything from natural resources such as gold, water and/or oil; finding ships at sea or ancient archeological sites; to find people or answers about health and more. Just looking into the history of… [Read More]

What Is Claircognizance?

We’ve all experienced it. That….feeling. The less mystic-minded may describe the sensation as a gut feeling, or perhaps simply intuition. But, those that believe in psychic abilities have a clear term for that feeling a person gets when they just know that they are right about something – regardless of the fact that they have… [Read More]

Feng Shui Your Home

The art of Feng Shui has been around for thousands of years. Originating from China, Feng Shui has transferred to various different cultures and communities world-wide. Taoists believed in Chi (energy) and that everything around us is filled with either good Chi or bad Chi. The goal is to create a space where good Chi… [Read More]

What Is Clairsentient?

Clairsentient means “clear feeling” and may also be called psychometry. It is one of four major metaphysical senses. Clairvoyance-”clear seeing“, clairaudience-”clear hearing” , and claircognizance-”clear knowing”, are the other three. All four are considered a form of extrasensory perception, at least in the scientific community. A clairsentient is a person who has the ability to… [Read More]