Mystical Powers Of Aquamarine Crystals

One could say that Aquamarine was 35 million years in the making within the depths of the earth. Aquamarine crystal is classified as a beryl crystal and part of the beryl group of minerals. As such it is considered a semi-precious stone, and the beauty of Aquamarine certainly merits that status. The word ‘Aquamarine’ is… [Read More]

Rose Quartz: Power Of The Love Stone

Rose quartz is sometimes known as the love stone or love crystal and has a long history as a means to enhance one’s love life and rejuvenate one’s beauty. Rose quartz is also associated with health and healing, especially with those parts of the body (and mind) related to love and romance. Rose quartz is… [Read More]

The Power Of Crystals

The power of crystals lies more in a crystals ability to boost powers of a healer or clairvoyant. Crystals are amplifiers and can absorb energies. Crystals are tools to be used to by a medium who has developed their strengths of channeling healing energies. A crystal is encoded by a healer an used to amplify… [Read More]