Like many traditions, the Christmas stocking is a blend from myth, legend and history. The mysterious part of the Christmas stocking tradition seem to be more from mythology than one might suspect. The effort here is not to cloud the whole tradition of a stocking hung by the hearth filled with goodies by Santa Claus,… [Read More]
The Strange History of the Christmas Stocking
Numerology – Searching For Meaning Within The Numbers
One of the oldest forms of divination is numerology. Numerology was, and for many still is, a way of understanding life beyond the purely material. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, numerology is the occult significance of numbers. Such a simple explanation. Yet, much is implied – like that life may not be so random in… [Read More]
Numerology: When Your Life Path Is a Master Number
In western— or Pythagorean— numerology, numbers 11, 22 and 33 are referred to as Master numbers. As a general rule, they are never broken down to single digits as they denote a distinctive vibration of spiritual energy. Together, they form what is referred to as “The Trinity”, with each number carrying a higher capacity for… [Read More]
Diamond Power: Myth and Magic Of the Ultimate Crystal
Of all the crystals and gemstones attributed with mystical properties the diamond is considered the most potent. Diamonds have a long history to make the case that few crystals are as untamed, unpredictable or as powerful. Perhaps a diamond’s unpredictable and untamable nature comes from how it is formed. Mother Earth creates diamonds, the hardest… [Read More]
Power And Magic Of Amethyst Crystals
Much mystery, myth and power surround the Amethyst crystals. For one, scientist are still unsure precisely how the amethyst crystals form. Amethyst ranges from light to deep purple in color, the deeper it’s color the more valued it is. What is known is that amethyst quartz crystals are created from the heat of the earth,… [Read More]
The Power Of Crystals
The power of crystals lies more in a crystals ability to boost powers of a healer or clairvoyant. Crystals are amplifiers and can absorb energies. Crystals are tools to be used to by a medium who has developed their strengths of channeling healing energies. A crystal is encoded by a healer an used to amplify… [Read More]