All too often people who look for simple love spells tend to find love spells that focus on finding a new lover or change something about themselves so they can start a relationship. These are not the type of love spells you need when you’re already in a relationship and want to maintain or improve… [Read More]
Smudge Negative Energy From Your Home
The practice of smudging dates back thousands of years. Although smudging is largely associated with Native Americans, First Peoples and recently with Wicca, you might be surprised to learn the smudging, or the use of smoke from burning herbs in spiritual rituals, has an esteemed sister, incense. The use of burning incense in spiritual rituals… [Read More]
A Better Understanding Of Magick And Spellcasting
Few subjects have been the target of as much superstition and misunderstanding as magic (or magick as we shall refer to it in this article). This includes the various practices and spirituality associated with magick and spellcasting. Magick, spellcasting, Wicca and other Nature based spiritualities and practices have been maligned and, in many cases, persecuted,… [Read More]