Ouija Board Safety

If you happen to believe that there is a spirit world, an afterlife, then you may find that when used properly Ouija boards can be a valuable tool for communicating with the world beyond. However, it is worth noting that those familiar with ouija boards and spirit contact recommend certain precautions be taken. With a… [Read More]

Mystical Powers Of Aquamarine Crystals

One could say that Aquamarine was 35 million years in the making within the depths of the earth. Aquamarine crystal is classified as a beryl crystal and part of the beryl group of minerals. As such it is considered a semi-precious stone, and the beauty of Aquamarine certainly merits that status. The word ‘Aquamarine’ is… [Read More]

A Scientist Discovers The Afterlife?

Science is science and spirituality is spirituality and never the twain shall meet … most of the time. As most of us know, science is all about the material world. Anything which cannot be measured or monitored or be verified by the five senses is not considered ‘real’. Spirituality is far more about faith, belief… [Read More]

Difference Between The Old And New Testaments

The Old Testament and New Testament comprise the two parts of the Christian Bible. They are both similar in that they each share the same format of books with chapters and verses. The Old Testament, however, comes first not only in the Bible itself but also in the historical time it was written. Dates are… [Read More]

Has The Age Of Aquarius Begun?

Is it the Age of Aquarius, yet? Is it the dawning of Aquarius as the hit 1969 from the musical ‘Hair’ said? Seems a simple question, but in astrological terms the answer is unclear. Could be yes, could be no. What we do know is this: If we are not already living in the Age… [Read More]

Meaning Of The Magician Tarot Card

Today during a tarot reading the Magician tarot card was drawn. For whatever reason, the card took on more clarity and it’s importance, particularly these days, seemed to stand out. I felt an impulse to provide some general information about this unique tarot card to others … and here we are. The Magician tarot card… [Read More]

What Is The Age Of Aquarius?

Many have heard the term ‘Age of Aquarius’. Most associate the term ‘Age of Aquarius’ with the late 1960s song ‘Aquarius/Let The Sun Shine In’ which was part of the hit musical ‘Hair’. The Age of Aquarius is suppose herald the dawning of a new Age for humanity. The entire counter culture revolution that began… [Read More]

Why People Confuse Psychics With Mentalist – Part 2

Previously in our article Why People Confuse Psychics With Mentalist – Part 1 we looked at the origin of the term ‘mentalist’ and how the whole memtalist field was the outcome of magicians trying to imitate psychic abilities and paranormal activities. Houdini, one of the best known magicians at the time, began a crusade to… [Read More]