The word ‘occult’ is one of those emotionally charged words. Today, for many people, the word ‘occult’ is synonymous with ‘evil’. For others the word ‘occult’ means spooky, weird or perhaps something dangerous. Corresponding with this is the general opinion that there must be something ‘different’ with anyone who would willing get involved with something… [Read More]
Common Misconceptions About Christianity
Though Christianity is the most popular religion in the world, there are many misconceptions about Christianity which are held by both Christians and non-Christians alike. The following article will clear up some of the most common ones. There was no historical Jesus – Though we have no way of knowing for certain, the majority of… [Read More]
Who Were Those Three Wise Men of Christmas?
The Bible story of the three wise men is very familiar is today’s culture. Most of us have grown up seeing the nativity scene of the stable where the Christ child was born, with the three wise men readily offering their gifts to the infant. The Book of Matthew tells the story of an unspecified… [Read More]
The Divination Systems of Santeria
When it comes to divination, or the ability to ‘divine’ the future or to communicate with the spirit world, most Westerns are familiar with only a few styles. Astrology, tarot, numerology are likely the only styles of divination that most Westerns are familiar with, and psychics and psychic mediums are often associated with these forms… [Read More]
Dreamcatcher: History And Spirituality
Dreamcatchers are of Native American origin. Though many think this is a simple trinket to hang near one’s bed in order to ‘prevent bad dreams’ the truth is that the dreamcatcher actually has a deep spiritual history behind it. For those who are more mystically minded, understanding the history and spirituality behind the dreamcatcher may… [Read More]
The Original Gods Of Ancient Greece
When we think of Greek mythology most of us automatically come up with names like Zeus and Apollo. However, they were not the original gods the Greeks worshipped. They were produced by gods themselves. Before the Twelve Gods of Olympus, there were the Titans. In mythology they are also known as the Elder Gods. The… [Read More]