Most paranormal experiences seem to occur during the evening and at night, just before dawn. It has been speculated by those who do paranormal research that when physical world becomes quiet and electrical activity slows (such as power usage, cars and industrial activity) that it becomes easier for paranormal activity to occur. Others speculate that in the hours between dusk and dawn a person’s mind becomes more relaxed and open to ‘other realities’. Another theory puts forth that we are more receptive our own innate psychic abilities in quiet moments. In the moments just before, and at periods during sleep, is when the mind if free to explore outside the boundaries of logic and reason.
Is it possible in the moments just before sleep, and during certain moments in the dreaming state, that we can connect to other dimensions or encounter spiritual beings … or that our mind opens to it’s full potential? There are a number of documented types of paranormal dreams: Out of body experiences, astral projecting, telepathy-type dreams, precognitive dreams, to name a few. It is well known that Emanuel Swedenborg utilized the period just before sleep to access the spirit world. A common thread among paranormal dreams appears to be that these types of dreams tend to be very vivid – often the dreamer can remember numerous details of the dream that can be remembered days (and sometimes years) after the dream occurred.
‘Lucid dreaming’ has become a popular term for very vivid dreams. These are dreams where you know you are dreaming and can often control the dream. Scientists tend to place all paranormal dreams in the ‘lucid dreaming’ category and dismiss the paranormal aspects. There are a number of factors that seem to induce lucid dreaming; high stress, extreme fatigue, certain foods and beverages, particular drugs and hypnotic suggestion have all been linked to lucid dreaming. There are even a number of kits and self-hypnosis audio recording that one can purchase in order to induce lucid dreaming. But, there are certain key elements that seem to separate lucid dreams from what are called paranormal dreams.
In lucid dreaming, according those who practice creating and enjoying such dreams, the dreamer creates the dream. Perhaps they create a dream of scuba driving in the Caribbean, or go out on a date with some celebrity. A lucid dreamer may choose to revisit a place they previously lived or vacationed. However, these dreams always involve what is known and remembered. Even spontaneous lucid dreams by those who never heard of ‘lucid dreaming’ involve images and manifestations of explainable events (things stored in one’s memory including emotional memory). Paranormal dreams often involve the opposite. Paranormal dreams tend to be about things that are NOT remembered and involve experiences that cannot be explained by the conventional logic. Conventional logic holds that all we can know is what we receive via our five senses. What if we experience places we have never been, people we have never met and/or involve experiences we have never imagined.
Those who have experienced astral projection, out-of-body experiences, will talk about visiting places they have never been before. There are a number of cases of people experiencing astral projection having their descriptions of places and events at those locations later confirmed. This becomes particularly interesting when the dreamer witnesses something that takes place in another time – in the past or in the future. People experienced with astral projection, and/or out of body experiences, often describe the beginning and ending of this type of paranormal dream in very similar ways. They often see a ‘silver cord’ connecting them to their body. Or, they find themselves suddenly outside their body looking down on their sleeping form. The same story pops up again and again, even for those who have never heard of astral projection or out of body experiences. They also describe how vivid the dream is, how aware they are of their circumstance (some find it exhilarating, others become frightened), and how they perceive their ‘astral body’.
Precognitive dreams become even more difficult to explain within the framework of scientific thought. Knowing anything about the future is deemed impossible under strict physics. So, seeing a some future event like a plane crash or someone we love in trouble in the future, is not suppose to happen. And, yet, there are records on many precognitive dreams through-out human history such as President Lincoln’s dream of his death whereby he knew he would not complete his current Presidential term due to his assassination.
Another type of dream difficult to explain with conventual reasoning is the ‘shared dream’ or ‘mutual dreams’. As the terms imply, a shared dream is one in which two or more people have the same dream. Shared dreams have been reported by twins to researchers. For example one set of twins reported that, in a dream, one twin said her twin sister came to her and said she was getting married. Simultaneously, the other twin dreamed she went to her sister to tell her she was getting married.
Some scientist have tried to dismiss shared dreams by twins as a result of having extremely similar brains. That seems a far stretch. Many twins also reported what can only be called telepathic experiences outside the dreaming state. And, the ‘similar brain structure’ explanation further deteriorates when you consider twins often report telepathic or psychic-like experiences in their everyday lives.
Shared dreams are best explained by telepathy. Recently this seeming paranormal type of dream has opened a door to a larger exploration of ‘dream telepathy’. You could say that shared dreams are a type of dream telepathy. Another form of dream telepathy is something like a person having a dream someone they love is in some form of distress only to awaken and discover this loved one is in some form of distress. Dream telepathy, and a similar new concept called ‘psychic dreaming’, are sparking the public’s interest in these not-so-easy to classify dreams. Especially since people are becoming more open too talking about their apparent paranormal or unusual dream experiences.
Within the dream telepathy and/or psychic dreaming category are a whole host of paranormal dream experiences. There is the prognostic dream (a dream which reveals heath information either about one’s self or another); the precognitive dream (which we have discussed); dreams involving remote viewing; seeing or talking with someone who has passed into the afterlife (sometimes called a visitation dream); and dreams that reveal what another person is thinking/feeling (perhaps showing why someone has done something in the past or why they will do something in the future).

Are you looking for answers about your dreams? Give Psychic and Dream Interpreter Anthony a call, tonight, at: 1-866-407-7164
Dreams are truly the unexplored frontier of human experience. Unfortunately, all paranormal dreams tend to get lumped into the category of ‘lucid dreaming’. People can have many types of vivid dreams (which includes not so pleasant dreams). Just because paranormal dreams are also vivid doesn’t mean they ought to be dismissed as just a another, nonsensical, lucid dream. It may be that some vivid dreams actually carry important messages … or that they are nudging a person towards a new, expanded way of thinking.
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Whatever your dreams, may they be pleasant and joyful. If you have questions about your dreams, contact Psychic Anthony at 1-866-407-7164 Anthony is an experienced tarot reader who understands the importance of symbolism within dreams.