Reincarnation Makes National News

Though it is not common, it’s more common than most know: kids telling stories about being someone else, having been another person or lived another life. These ‘tall tales’ by kids tend to be ignored (if not downright discouraged) by parents in the West. Of course, in India, Thailand and so forth, where reincarnation is… [Read More]

Four Indicators of a Past Life

Reincarnation has been a central theme in religion and spirituality for as long as such belief systems have existed. Everyone from the ancient Greeks to the tribes of West Africa to the aborigines of Australia have embraced the concept. Meanwhile, mystics, hypnotists, and even scientific researchers have gone as far as to make entire careers… [Read More]

Who Was Buddha?

Gautama Buddha (also known as Siddhartha Gautama Buddha) was a spiritual leader from the country of India whose teachings later helped for the religion of Buddhism. The specific word Buddha is used to describe the first period of awakening for the followers of Buddhism as well. Gautama Buddha is referred to in the Buddhist religion… [Read More]

Is Reincarnation Real?

Is reincarnation real? That is a good question. Reincarnation is a popular ‘paranormal’ topic on and off the Web. Generally, it is often brought up alongside ghosts, clairvoyance, and guardian angels. Reincarnation has been an important influence in many cultures throughout the ages, since the dawn of man, almost world wide. Socrates, Pythagoras and Plato… [Read More]

Psychics And The Paranormal

Psychics spend most of their professional time answering questions and giving insights into love and relationships. Close behind are readings about careers, money and family. One area that psychics, mediums and spiritualist are under utilized is in answering questions about the paranormal. Yet, it would seem, the paranormal so often is categorized as part of… [Read More]