Alexander The Great And Oracles

Alexander the Great was an ancient warrior and king of Macedonia who would conquer most of the known world from the Himalayan mountains of Asia to Egypt and doing so in a surprisingly short time and at a surprisingly young age Though Alexander lived only into his thirties, 2000 years after his death, he is still considered one of the great military geniuses and impressive leader. Lesser known is that Alexander was a philosopher and deeply respectful of the spiritual. He was tutored by Aristotle and often consulted seers, oracles and holy men throughout his life, and especially during the expansion of his empire. During his time, the was no word for ‘psychic’ as we have today. Yet, it cannot be dismissed that most of the oracles, seers and religious persons seem to act like what we call today ‘psychics’.

Philip II, father of Alexander, had a disturbing dream before Alexander’s birth. Consulting the seer and oracle Aristander of Telmissus about the dream, Philip was told that his unborn child was a boy and that he would be as brave as a lion. Aristander would eventually be the seer and oracle Alexander would often consult and became a member of Alexander’s inner circle, traveling with Alexander the Great during his world conquest.

When Alexander was born the Temple of Artemis in his city was in flames. A Magi ran through the streets claiming that all of Asia was in danger. King Philip, Alexander’s father, was concerned by this incident and decided to consulted the rel=”nofollow”Oracle at Delphi to get an idea of what this danger might be. Alexander The Great And Oracles The Oracle told King Philip – accurately – that his son Alexander would be a great ruler. When Alexander was young, his father king Philip had a spirited young horse, Bucephalus, (literally meaning ‘ox head horse’) whom no one could ride. The oracle of Delphi told Philip that whoever tamed and rode the horse with the mark of the ox head would be king of the world. Despite King Philip and his general’s best efforts, no one seem to be able to tame nor ride Bucephalus. It would be Alexander who would eventually tame and ride Bucephalus, not by using force, but by figuring out the horse had a fear of shadows.

Later, Alexander the Great himself would visit the Oracle at Delphi to confirm the prophecy that he would soon conquer the known world. The oracle refused to see Alexander and asked him to come later. This did not sit well with Alexander (who would be king of the world) and he began dragging the oracle Pythia by the hair out of the temple until she screamed "Let go of me! You are invincible". Hearing this, Alexander released the priestess and said, "Now I have my answer". The was little reason for Alexander to doubt the oracle of Delphi. After all, the oracle had said that there was no one wiser than Socrates before Socrates fame as a philosopher had arrived. And, it was Socrates who had tutored Aristotle, one of Alexander’s mentors.

When Alexander was only 20, King Philip was assassinated by one of his bodyguards, leaving Alexander to rule the kingdom with the support of the nobles and the army. With the benefit of education and experience, Alexander had the backing of the politically important members of the kingdom and took over ruling in 336 BC. Alexander’s first acts in power were to stabilize states that were in revolt after Philip’s death. Within a year, these revolts were settled and Alexander moved North into the Balkans to secure the kingdoms borders on all sides. Over the next few years, Alexander and his armies conquered lands through Asia Minor.

While taking armies through what is modern Turkey, stopped in Gordium. Alexander’s army was fatigued and he had little reinforcements or resources. If he was to conquer Asia, he would need more than his troops, he would need inspiration and guidance. So, in 333 BC, Alexander paused his campaign and looked to the gods for inspiration. Having decided to resume his march into Persia, Alexander was stopped by his personal seer and told he could not proceed until he had solved the famed ‘Gordium Knot’ or else his army would suffer. Legend held that the King of Asia would be the one to undo the famously difficult knot. The Gordium Knot tied and ox cart to a pillar in the palace of former kings. The ox cart had brought Gordias who, as the priests and oracles had foretold, would arrive by ox-cart to become king himself. Whoever could solve the intricate knot, free the ox-cart, was said to become the King of Asia. Dutifully did as his seer requested and went to solve the puzzle. What Alexander decide was that solving the knot didn’t necessity mean untying it. Drawing his sword, Alexander sliced through the knot and freed the ox-cart. Now, suddenly, Alexander had claim to Asia, and his fame spread and the solving of the Gordium Knot would make Alexander legendary. After over 2300 years, the story is still repeated. Clearly, Alexander had a very good personal seer.

By 332 BC, Alexander’s armies had conqueror Syria and Egypt. In Egypt, the Oracle of Siwa Oasis announced that Alexander was a deity and the son of the God Amun. This was the second time in Alexander’s life that an Oracle would proclaimed him his fate. After being proclaimed of divine origin, Alexander began referring to Zeus as his true father and indicated his deity status on currency with the horns of a ram. Alexander would also create and impressive symbol of his appreciation and respect for knowledge in all forms by advancing the great Library of Alexandria and contributing mightily to it.

Once Egypt was conquered, Alexander and his army marched through Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq) and defeated Babylon. In Babylon Alexander encountered the Chaldaeans or Babylonian astronomers. On numerous occasions they had warned kings of approaching calamities. In 331 BC, they accurately predicted Alexander’s invasion of Mesopotamia and victory over Gaugamela. Alexander learned to value their predictions.

Alexander’s invasion of India would proved to be the beginning of the end of Alexander the Great’s war efforts. He desperately tried to reach the source of the Ganges, one of the holiest places in India, but the pleading of this troops to return home soon convinced him to turn back. In India, Alexander conversed with many a ruler and philosopher. The are records of Alexander the Great discussing the sacred Indian scriptures. There is also a very strange story of Alexander encountering "flying, fiery shields" that Alexander attempted to capture.

This article cannot begin to encompass the influence spirituality, psychics, astrologer, seers and so forth had on Alexander the Great. The intent is to show that though there are endless articles on Alexander’s military brilliance and accomplishment, many skip or out right delete the spiritual influences that also shaped on the world’s greatest leaders. This, from a personal persecutive, is a disservice as one cannot sperate Alexander’s endless pursuit of conquest and his thirst to both use and understand the mystical. With a bit of research of your own, you will find numerous references regarding Alexander the Great and oracles.

Should you want to consult a psychic of your own, talk with Psychic Andrew, who also adept at dream readings. You can also call directly at 1-866-407-7164. A couple of other fascinating psychics are Psychic Arielle and Psychic Nefertari who is also a skilled tarot reader.

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