Most religions have their own sense of history and perhaps predictions of human destiny. Hinduism also has it’s history, but Hinduism also has something else: It’s own unique sense of time and cosmology. It is not just about human destiny, but the destiny of the universe. Where Westerners tend to think of time as a… [Read More]
Arapaho Artistic Symbolism
The Arapaho are a Native American tribe who historically reside on the plains of Wyoming and Colorado. Traditional Arapaho art and symbolism was deep in meaning and highly representational. Arapaho art was embroidered on clothing and footwear using colored beads, fibers, or quills. It could also be painted or carved into various objects in a… [Read More]
Namaste: Etymology and Meanings
Namaste (pronounced Naa-ma-stay) is a greeting in the Hindi language from India. The ‘namaste’ greeting has become popular in recent years, especially among the New Age thinkers in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia. In the West, the namaste greeting is often associated with the spirituality of India – and it can mean anything… [Read More]
How Vulnerability Affects Happiness
It is human nature for people to seek situations in which they can connect with others, but doing so can make them vulnerable. To bond with people they need to open up and be genuine, which involves being exposed. However, allowing your vulnerability to show means taking a risk. You may encounter vulnerability when you… [Read More]