A wise man once said that teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. There is a certain power in working as a team. It means not having to face struggles alone; having someone to watch your back; having the support you need when things get tough. Your support team need… [Read More]
A Look at Guardian Angels
Although the idea of spiritual beings has been present since ancient times, the contemporary, popular image of the guardian angel is relatively new in historical terms. Very early in human history the belief in spirits, or animism, was universal. Primitive man did not believe in fundamentally all-good or all-evil entities; rather, spirits possessed a form… [Read More]
What Do Angels Have to Do With Christmas?
You see them on top of Christmas trees every year, but what do they have to do with Christmas? Why are angels a part of our annual holiday celebration? If you are familiar with the Christian background of Christmas, you know that angels play a prominent role in the Christmas story about the birth of… [Read More]
Angels: Gabriel and Michael
Increasingly people seem to be interested in angels. In this article we will take a quick look at two of the most popular (if not the most famous) angels. That would be the angels Gabriel and Michael. Much of the discussion about angels currently regards antidotal stories of encountering angels, angel stories and even supposed… [Read More]
The ‘Third Man Phenomena’ – Angels, Spirits, What?
During his final epic struggle across the hostile, uncharted terrain of South Georgia, the famous explorer Ernest Shackleton felt the presence of another being alongside him and his team, urging them on to reach the salvation that had eluded them for so long. It wasn’t just him either – his companions felt the benevolent presence… [Read More]
Tips On Contacting Your Angels
Communicating With Angels Is Easier Than You May Think Have you ever found yourself stopping right before you walk into the road only to have an unseen car rush by. Suddenly you know had you walked into the road you likely would have been hit by that car. Why, you might wonder, did I suddenly… [Read More]