Handling Conflict in a Romantic Relationship

No matter how much you love your partner, there are moments when you are going to be at odds with each other. No matter how trivial your disagreement or conflict might seem, you need to be able to communicate clearly with your partner. You need to be able to handle conflicts in way that do… [Read More]

Wilhelm Reich’s Orgone Energy: Crazy, Visionary, or Both?

Today, it is difficult to escape some New Age thinker or alternative spiritual practice talking about ‘energy’. It is almost a touchstone of the New Age movement. Much of the New Age talk about energy involves Eastern thought involving ‘Chi’ or ‘Qi’ (universial energy) and related concepts. In the West, when we think of energy… [Read More]

Is it Chemistry? Or Compatibility?

This new person you met. You’re feeling a definite, powerful attraction, yet you know little about them. You seem to share the same likes and dislikes, and even your disagreements are exciting. So, is it chemistry? Or compatibility? If it is both, great, but which matters more? If you feel neither chemistry nor compatibility with… [Read More]

Is Perfectionism Damaging to Intimate Relationships?

We have all met perfectionists. They are those people who have an inability to accept anything less than what he/she perceives as perfect. If you have ever been in an intimate relationship with such a person, then you likely know that perfectionists can be difficult to live with, especially if the perfectionism starts to be… [Read More]