The Strange History of the Christmas Stocking

Like many traditions, the Christmas stocking is a blend from myth, legend and history. The mysterious part of the Christmas stocking tradition seem to be more from mythology than one might suspect. The effort here is not to cloud the whole tradition of a stocking hung by the hearth filled with goodies by Santa Claus,… [Read More]

The Evergreens: Mystical and Magickal Within Christmas

Every year it starts the same: Slow and sure as the fading daylight as winter progresses the wreaths appear on door. Christmas trees appear in windows. Mistletoe mysteriously appears in odd places. Garlands of holly and ivy soon decorate many a table or doorway. The evergreens, those plants and trees which defy winter, start to… [Read More]

They Came From The East: The Three Magi of Christmas

The three Magi, also known as the three wise men, are among the most well-known individuals in Christian theology. They are often depicted or referenced in art, literature, and film, especially around Christmas time. Yet, as prominent of figures as the 3 wise men have become, these magi from the east remain enigmatic at best…. [Read More]

What Do Angels Have to Do With Christmas?

You see them on top of Christmas trees every year, but what do they have to do with Christmas? Why are angels a part of our annual holiday celebration? If you are familiar with the Christian background of Christmas, you know that angels play a prominent role in the Christmas story about the birth of… [Read More]

Christmas Psychic Readings: My Secret

The value I discovered with my secret Christmas psychic readings! For many years I have made it a point to get my Christmas psychic readings. This is not something I tell other people. I’ve shared my little secret with a few friends. Some of them think I’m being a bit strange for doing so. I… [Read More]