Sacred Objects of the Arapaho

The Arapaho are a Native American tribe from the plains of Colorado and Wyoming in the United States. This tribe would often follow the game, especially the Buffalo, from the foothills of the Rocky Mountains to the Great Plains. The name ‘Arapaho’ is thought to come from the Pawnee tribe and means ‘trader’. The Arapaho… [Read More]

The Divination Systems of Santeria

When it comes to divination, or the ability to ‘divine’ the future or to communicate with the spirit world, most Westerns are familiar with only a few styles. Astrology, tarot, numerology are likely the only styles of divination that most Westerns are familiar with, and psychics and psychic mediums are often associated with these forms… [Read More]

Dreamcatcher: History And Spirituality

Dreamcatchers are of Native American origin. Though many think this is a simple trinket to hang near one’s bed in order to ‘prevent bad dreams’ the truth is that the dreamcatcher actually has a deep spiritual history behind it. For those who are more mystically minded, understanding the history and spirituality behind the dreamcatcher may… [Read More]

Spirituality Of Australia’s Aborigines

The indigenous people of Australia, known as the aborigines, are a highly spiritual people with a rich religious life. Although much of the traditional lifestyle has been changed due to the colonization of Australia from other cultures (especially Europe) the traditional religious beliefs are based on a sense of belonging with the environment, the land,… [Read More]

A Look At Astral Projection

Astral projection is a belief that everyone has an incorporeal “astral body” or “spirit” can travel outside of the physical body carrying one’s consciousness. In many cultures, it is thought of as the soul and the travel is possible through the astral plane. The idea of astral travel is discussed in mythologies and some say… [Read More]