Beginners Look At Buddhist Zazen Meditation

The most fundamental techniques of Zen Buddhism is zazen, which literally translated means "seated meditation". The main principle behind Zen Buddhism is to actively meditate to calm the body and mind so that you can focus on your "inner self" and find the Buddha-nature within. Often the teacher will give the more advanced zazen students… [Read More]

Who Was Buddha?

Gautama Buddha (also known as Siddhartha Gautama Buddha) was a spiritual leader from the country of India whose teachings later helped for the religion of Buddhism. The specific word Buddha is used to describe the first period of awakening for the followers of Buddhism as well. Gautama Buddha is referred to in the Buddhist religion… [Read More]

Zodiac Animals In Chinese Astrology

Various theories abound on the origin of the animals in Chinese astrology. From the story of a dramatic race between animals to a banquet hosted by the Jade Emperor, Buddha. It is interesting to look at this mythology as it seems to reveal the personalities of the various animal Zodiac signs. Some legends trace the… [Read More]