The Story of the Delphic Sibyl

Almost every culture in the world has reserved a special place in society for people believed to have been endowed with prophetic powers. The ancient Greco-Roman world had a few such prophetic traditions. One of the best-known is that of the Sibyls. It was believed that, when she entered into an entranced state, a Sibyl… [Read More]

The Persecution of Psychics Throughout History

Humanity has an interesting and contradictory history with people who claim to have the ability to access realms beyond the ordinary material world. Psychics have existed in just about every culture on this earth, and, most cultures in the past have been able to successfully integrate them into society. Unfortunately, Western culture in the last… [Read More]

The First Psychics: The Sibyls

There are many false myths about psychics and psychic phenomenon. For example: One would think that psychics don’t have a long history. It’s not uncommon for people to think that the whole field of psychics and psychic readings somehow began a few hundred years ago, at best. Another is that psychics have always been rejected… [Read More]