For those seeking to learn the use of Tarot it’s crucial that you understand the meaning and influence of each of the four suits of the deck. Even those who are only mildly curious about Tarot (if only to understand a bit more about personal tarot readings) can benefit from understand more about tarot cards…. [Read More]
How to Choose a Tarot Deck
Beginning tarot readers may easily be overwhelmed by the plethora of options when it comes to choosing a tarot deck. The leading site for tarot lists over 1,200 decks, and picking one at random or because you like the artwork can lead to great frustration. Following are some tips that will make navigating the numerous… [Read More]
Understanding Tarot Readings For Beginners
This article is for those who are interested in trying a tarot reading, but want some background and history on tarot. What exactly is a tarot reading? Understanding tarot can be a life long pursuit. However, understanding a tarot reading is relatively easy, even for beginners. It is not necessary to understand tarot to get… [Read More]