In western— or Pythagorean— numerology, numbers 11, 22 and 33 are referred to as Master numbers. As a general rule, they are never broken down to single digits as they denote a distinctive vibration of spiritual energy. Together, they form what is referred to as “The Trinity”, with each number carrying a higher capacity for… [Read More]
Simple Tarot Spreads for Everyday Use
For people not particularly familiar with the Tarot deck, using the cards for guidance can be a daunting task. With a total of seventy-eight cards found in most decks and each card representing multiple symbols it is easy for a beginning user to feel awash in a deluge of complex information. Considering that many spreads… [Read More]
Fate in a Teacup: The Art of Tasseography
When you’ve finished a cup of tea, what do you do with it? This might sound like a silly question. The natural course of action is to dump the remaining tea leaves in the trash and wash out the cup. Some people don’t wash their teacups out right away, though. They instead swirl the last… [Read More]
Getting A Grip On Palm Reading: History
Skeptics are quick to dismiss palmistry as a shallow, meaningless activity, but there is more to this well-known spiritual art of divination than it seems. Palmistry is chiromancy (sometimes spelled as cheiromancy) The word cheiromancy is a combination of ancient Greek words: ‘Kheir’ meaning hand and ‘manteia’ meaning divination or prophecy. Palm readers are also… [Read More]
History Of Western Astrology
Have you ever looked at the night sky and wondered what secrets the stars hold? If you have, you’re not alone. As long as men and women have been on earth I suspect they have gazed skyward toward the stars and wondered. As to the secrets of the stars, I think those secrets are infinite… [Read More]
The Divination Systems of Santeria
When it comes to divination, or the ability to ‘divine’ the future or to communicate with the spirit world, most Westerns are familiar with only a few styles. Astrology, tarot, numerology are likely the only styles of divination that most Westerns are familiar with, and psychics and psychic mediums are often associated with these forms… [Read More]
The Art Of Psychic Coffee Cup Reading
Perhaps you have heard of an ancient, divinational technique called reading tea leaves? Reading tea leaves is a fortune foretelling technique that traces it’s heritage back to ancient China when monks would read the tea leaves in a cup to divine the future. Did you know that there is also a very old, similar divination… [Read More]