Augury: Lost Form of Divination

Augury is one of those misunderstood words, possibly because true augury has been largely lost in the shadows of ancient history. If a person knows or has heard the word at all, they generally believe it is another word for divination. That is close. Augury is an ancient word, and over time has come to… [Read More]

Saint Francis: The First Environmentalist?

In 13th century Europe, life was harsh and brutal for the common person. The average life expectancy was only the mid-thirties (and only slightly longer for the upper 1% who were royalty, wealthy merchants and the aristocracy within the Catholic Church). People lived in small towns and villages and the vast majority of time was… [Read More]

What are mythological creatures?

The intrigue and possibility of strange mythical creatures has always fascinated us. Whether it is ghosts and spirits, the little people, shape-shifting humans with magical powers or peculiar beasts of myth and legend they all still continue to entertain and bemuse us.