Understanding Tarot Readings For Beginners

This article is for those who are interested in trying a tarot reading, but want some background and history on tarot. What exactly is a tarot reading? Understanding tarot can be a life long pursuit. However, understanding a tarot reading is relatively easy, even for beginners. It is not necessary to understand tarot to get a tarot reading, but it is nice to have some background one what a personal tarot reading from a professional psychic involves.

Tarot readings are one of the most popular forms of divination. You can think of divination as a way of asking ‘the divine’ for answers unavailable by ordinary means. With tarot, you can ask a question about anything … and you will get an answer in the tarot cards. How well you understand that answer depends on your ability (or your reader’s ability) to interpret the tarot cards laid out in answer to the question. Some say the rich images on the tarot cards, the meaning of each card and how each tarot card relates to the other cards draws out one’s psychic talents (which is why psychics are the ones most associated with tarot readings). In fact, one of the most famous tarot decks, the Rider-Waite tarot deck, was created and designed to do exactly that.
Understand Tarot Cards Is Key To Tarot Readings

You may not know this, but, you are likely to have a tarot deck in your home this very moment. The standard deck of playing cards is thought to be the original tarot deck. That typical playing card deck has a long and mysterious history going back to 9th century China, then passing through India and Egypt. Playing cards entered Europe in the 14th century and were associated with card games. However, hitchhiking on those playing cards was an old, mysterious method of divination. Using playing cards as a Tarot deck for divination is called cartomancy, which is still popular today. By the 15th-century in Europe the use of playing cards for divination began catching on. At least that’s when the first publication on tarot divination appeared (1540, The Oracles of Francesco Marcolino da Forlì). All playing cards (and tarot decks) at that time were hand made and could be simple or rich with images. It was in the 18th and 19th centuries that detailed, tarot decks rich in mystical images that were specifically for divination, or future telling by psychics, began to spread throughout Europe.

Tarot readers tend to have a deck or decks they favor. There are literally thousands of variations of a tarot deck. Also, Tarot decks in different countries use somewhat different types of symbolism. However, almost all tarot decks contain 78 cards of which 22 are called major arcana and 56 are called minor arcana. This structure goes back centuries.

The major arcana tarot cards hold images, symbols and artwork that involve the major influences in one’s life. There is The Lovers card, The Fool, The Magician, and The Emperor. Now, the minor arcana are divided into four suits of 14 cards each. The suits of the minor arcana are called Swords, Cups, Wands and Pentacles and often these cards speak to how your life is being affected in the here and now by larger issues or forces.

In general, a tarot reading is taking a deck of cards rich with art and symbolism that a tarot reader shuffles and then begins laying out the cards in patterns (sometimes called spreads). As a rule the reader will focus on a question or issue while they shuffle and the ‘spread’, or how the cards will be laid out is determined by what the reader (or client) wants to know. A good psychic tarot reader looking to uncover patterns, relationships, the flow of energies, and depending on the strength of the psychic involved, the images within the cards may bring visions and insights to the psychic.

Typically during a tarot reading a psychic may use any number of different arrays, or spreads. The type of spread is based on the questions you ask and/or why type of spread would best reveal the answers you are looking for. Each card dealt into the spread or array begins to shed light on your situation and provide answers. The tarot reader not only looks at each unique card’s meaning, but also where it comes up the spread and how each card relates to the other cards as they are dealt into the spread. The reader will reflect on the order of the cards dealt, whether they are upside down or right side up, whether the card belongs to the major or minor arcane. As you can see, it can take years for a professional tarot reader to master their mystical craft.

The versatility of tarot cards is truly amazing (and is one of the reasons so many people are attracted to them). For example, it is not uncommon for skilled tarot readers to create specialized spreads to answer certain questions. There is also the growing popularity to use tarot for personal growth. It is not uncommon for psychic tarot readers to shuffle and begin turning over tarot cards to moment you call or contact them to gain an insight into why you called for a phone tarot reading or chat online.

Tarot Reader And Psychic Melody

Psychic Tarot Reader Melody. Call Today!: 1-800-326-5923

If you have questions about anything, and want to get some spiritual or supernatural help with answers, they you will likely find a personal tarot reading not only helpful but also thought provoking. A couple of tarot readers you might like to contact are Psychic Stella (a very talented clairvoyant tarot reader) and/or Psychic Kya who is wonderful to talk with about anything. For love readings, Tarot Love Readings offers some excellent love tarot readers (you can call them toll free from the US and Canada at 1-866-525-2655).

Hopefully, this article has brought you a new appreciation and understanding of tarot readings.