Are you an adult who’s trying to get more in touch with your spirituality? Have western allopathic healing practices just not worked out for you? Are you looking to find more behind the curtain of everyday life? We can’t blame you. As we rocket into the 21st century, more and more people just aren’t satisfied with western medicine. Many have sought to heal in unconventional practices, such as acupuncture, acupressure, homeopathy, meditation. You might understand most of these, but what is Reiki? How can it help you connect to your spirituality? How can it heal you in your everyday life?
If you’ve found yourself asking these questions, you’ve come to the right place. This article will walk you through everything you need to know about Reiki principles, and how they can help you heal.
What Is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese alternative medical practice. It started out in Japan but is now practiced worldwide. It’s a non-invasive, hands-on healing practice that focuses on healing through touch.
Reiki, like many forms of eastern medicine, doesn’t work on just treating the symptoms. It comes at your body’s ailments with a sense of spirituality and philosophy and tries to heal the causes as well as the symptoms.
It’s based on the central idea that our bodies have energy fields or life forces, that keep us alive. The Japanese word Rei (pronounced “ray”) means universal life, and the word Kei (pronounced “key”) means life energy.
Practitioners of Reiki believe that mental, physical, and spiritual issues can arise if your life force is blocked. The healers target zones of energy around the body, known as “chakras”, and try to open them up. They believe that energy blocks can form in places where injury or illness has occurred.
Reiki works a lot like acupuncture in that sessions usually involve a practitioner placing their hands just above your body at particular locations to release the flow of energy. They change the position of their hands based on the particular problem and location in order to direct the energy at the right angle.
Many people note that practitioners’ hands feel warm and tingling when the life force is flowing from them. When the practitioner feels that the power in their hands has died out, they will remove their hands and place them in a different part of the body, trying to open up the flow in that area.
Reiki Health Benefits
As an energy healing therapy technique, many people report health benefits different from those they feel in allopathic medicine. You should note that the energy of Reiki cannot be measured scientifically, so don’t expect to see any of your life forces appear on a chart.
In addition to people feeling as though their pain has receded and their illness has become easy to handle, people also feel a general sense of relation and calm. This is because Reiki treats the body as a spiritual being, and takes into account a person’s whole essence.
“Peaceful”, “calm”, and “pleasant” are all words that people have used to describe their Reiki experience. People often report paradoxical feelings, such as a combination of sinking and floating. This is most likely due to the fact that the patients are tied to western principles of cause and effect, whereas Japanese Reiki practitioners are in tune with life’s cyclic nature.
While science and western medicine cannot measure Reiki’s effectiveness in the body, doctors have noticed the beneficial effects it’s had on patients. Just behind massage therapy and art/music therapy, Reiki is now one of the most popular complementary in-patient therapy in U.S. hospitals.
Due to Reikie’s intense spiritual nature, we highly recommend using it in tandem with other spiritual practices. You can use western medicine to deal with things that are strictly bodily, use tarot readers and psychics to get in touch with your physical realm and use Reiki to help bridge the gap.
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Reiki Principles
Reiki is a spiritual practice as well as a healing method. You can apply the methods of Reiki healing to your everyday life to grow from the effects it may have.
There are five Reiki principles, each formatted as a simple action-based sentence starting with the phrase “just for today. . . “. The simplicity of these mantras allows one to reflect on them and make their goals for themself.
One: Just for today, do not worry.
Two: Just for today, do not anger.
Three: Just for today, expand your consciousness.
Four: Just for today, be honest.
Five: Just for today, be gentle to all creatures.
These principles sort of act like Zen Koans. They are purposefully designed to be ambiguous so that they can be applied to everyone’s life. They should inspire personal reflection, and action that’s suitable to your everyday world.
It’s extremely important that each of these principles start with the term “just for today”. It means that you do not need to focus on your growth in a linear, ambitious, western fashion. The Reiki principles are already inside of you, you just need to direct your focus to one of them for today.
Use Reiki to Help You Heal
As the 21st-century rolls on, more and more people are becoming dissatisfied with the traditional forms of medicine and spirituality usually offered. Embrace your individuality, and take up a practice that focuses on you as a spiritual being, such as Reiki.
Now that you know the answer to the question “what is Reiki”, you can get started on your spiritual journey. Start by applying the principles to your everyday life, and book an appointment with a Reiki practitioner.
For more information on the spiritual side of things, call a tarot reader today.
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