You’ve heard of tarot reading. You may be a little bit interested. You may be very interested.
But where do you begin?
Tarot reading is an art and a tool grounded in centuries of ancient tradition. It is accessible to everyone and anyone. Otherwise, so many people wouldn’t be participating!
With a basic overview of its principles, you’ll be well on your way to participating in any reading and gaining a greater understanding of yourself.
Here’s your basic introduction to tarot reading. Good luck!
What is Tarot?
Tarot cards are at a basic level a means for individuals to gain insight into themselves and their spiritual path. They go beyond mere ‘fortune-telling’ in this way.
They have been used for centuries in various cultures and circles under this principle of revelation and self-discovery, by mystics, psychics, and individuals of all backgrounds and aspirations.
In a tarot reading, a psychic or tarot reader will spread and read tarot cards for the person receiving, also known as the Querent.
The Querent is commonly asked to bring a question, concern, or focus point to a reading in order to better guide the spread.
The resulting spread, once interpreted, will show relevant insights, outcomes, and answers to the person receiving.
Tarot cards are not magic cards, even if they are used for divination or spiritual inspiration. Nor are they “good” or “evil.”
Anyone who participates in a reading has to keep in mind that a deck of tarot cards does not make events happen. It only seeks to reveal them.
The Tarot Deck
There are many different kinds of tarot cards. Indeed, new kinds and interpretations emerge every day.
It is important to know that one deck of tarot cards is not necessarily better than another in any given reading.
Regardless of the type of tarot deck, the principles will remain the same. The deck will consist of archetypes: images that signify certain experiences, events, or figures a person is likely to recognize.
The deck will include major and minor arcana cards. There are twenty-two major arcana cards. Twenty-one of these is numbered. The twenty-second (The Fool) is not.
Major arcana cards are meant to predict circumstances or events in an individual’s life that could be considered major rather than mundane. These cards are deeply meaningful and point the way to self-awareness.
Minor arcana cards concern the minor events in a person’s life. There are fifty-six minor arcana cards in a tarot deck.
These cards are numbered like a traditional set of playing cards to reflect numerology.
Also like a traditional set of playing cards, minor arcana cards are divided into four suits. These include Swords, Pentacles, Wands, and Cups.
These suits refer to the different stages of an event or occurrence.
A Wand refers to something that is still an idea. Cups signify the preparation phase of a circumstance. Swords, as might be expected, indicate action. Pentacles mean fruition or completion/fulfillment.
These suits are linked to the four elements of nature. The Wand refers to Fire, Pentacles to Earth, Cups to Water, and Swords to Air.
The Tarot Reading
In a traditional tarot reading, the Querent starts by shuffling the deck in order to transfer his/her energy into the cards and influence the resulting spread.
The tarot reader will cut the deck and then select some cards to lay out in a particular formation of the reader’s choice, called a spread.
In a spread, where each card is placed has great meaning, in addition to the card’s image in relation to its placement.
There are many different kinds of spreads. A very traditional spread is called The Celtic Cross.
Spreads will differ on placement patterns as well as intention. Some spreads will focus specifically on relationships or emotional issues, for example, while others can focus on life events, decisions, or more general imbalances.
Some tarot readers who are experienced in the art of tarot reading will derive their own spreads. If you become proficient in doing readings for yourself, you can also choose your own spread.
It is recommended, however, that beginners rely on another tarot reader when acting as Querents. This makes sure that the experience is entirely objective.
Experienced tarot readers are also more likely to give Querents a robust interpretation and guidance.
The Result
After the spread is placed, the tarot reader will assist the Querent in interpreting.
This interpretation may vary depending upon the tarot reader, type of deck, and the Querent’s question or concern.
However, most spreads follow a basic outline.
For example, the Celtic Cross consists of ten placed cards that reveal the Querent’s present state, what is helping him/her, anything that is subconsciously influencing the Querent, and the Querent past, goals, immediate future, attitude or approach, surroundings, needed knowledge, and final outcome.
The resulting meaning will directly involve each card’s position in the spread, image, and neighbor.
Some tarot readers will ask their Querent how h/she feels about a projected outcome or interpretation. They will assist the Querent in understanding what leads to this outcome, drawing attention to process and connection.
Most tarot card images will retain the same basic meaning across decks. Yet these can also differ significantly.
The tarot symbology is extensive. The fact that tarot readings rely on a variety of interpretation is what continues to make them insightful, instructive, and engaging for Querents everywhere.
Tarot in the World
Some individuals see tarot reading as something fun to do. Most find it enlightening for a variety of reasons.
Many people wonder why or how it works.
One theory is that the cards, while holding no power in themselves, simply reveal a sense of interconnectedness or synchronicity that already exists in our daily life.
Another theory is that tarot cards simply indicate belief systems of Querents and tarot readers.
Regardless, tarot reading provides an excellent way for individuals to seek answers and insight about their life events. It can act as a guide and tool for an individual’s spiritual path.
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