Throughout history and covering most continents there have been stories of fairies, spirits and mythological beings. They seem to inhabit mystical realm in all parts of the worlds. This beings seem to share some important characteristics: They are shy do not like to be seen by humans; they live secretive and mysterious lives between the spirit world and the material world; and very often are strongly associated with nature.
It is understandable that most people dismiss the reality of fairies, animal spirits and related beings. Most people believe the only place they will ever see a Leprechaun is on a box of cereal. Or, that the only place to see a fairy is in a Peter Pan movie. Yet, there are those who occasionally come forward and swear they have seen such being … and have seen what they are capable of doing.
The word ‘fairy’ comes from the Latin word ‘fatum’ which means ‘fate’. Fairies were thought to watch over the new born and predict their fate. Some fairies were thought to pass on special gifts to certain children. Oddly, among the group who on occasionally see and interact with fairies are children. In modern times, the media has largely made fairies into harmless, little flying beings. Historically, however, it is a different story: Fairies could come in all sizes; some could fly and others not; some wielded great magick and some could be very nasty.
Today, if some thinks they see a fairy, they will likely be asked to take a test for their mental stability … at least in the scientifically dominated western cultures. If you were in Indonesia, and said you saw a tree spirit, most in the rural part of the country would nod in agreement. Woven into the culture of rural Indonesia is an understanding that all trees have spirits. And, that, within the deep forest there still dwell many other kinds of spirits. The Indonesians do not call these spirits ‘fairies’ … but the correlations between their forest spirits and ancient Europe’s mythology of fairies are rather similar. Two very strong correlations are that these beings are part of nature (often protectors of their natural territory) and that it is ill advised to offend a fairy. Conversely, to befriend a fairy or tribe of fairies can carry great benefits.
You may, at this point, want to dismiss the idea that such beings could exist. If fairies were ‘real’ why are there not modern stories involving them. Well, first off, anyone who would admit to seeing fairies, animal spirits or forest spirits could end up committed. If you happened to have seen such beings, remember these words: I have a religious right to see whatever spiritual beings I want. Secondly, modern stories of spirit or nature beings never seem to be taken seriously. For example: Have you heard the story of Findhorn?
A few spiritually inspired individuals go to a small, remote village called Findhorn in Scotland. Nothing much will grow in the barren soil. Yet, guided by spirits, fairies, angels, call them what you will, these folks begin to astonish horticultural experts world wide. No one seems to be able to ‘scientifically’ explain how 40 pound cabbages and numerous rare flowers and herbs can be grown in a seemingly hostile, barren environment. That was back in the late 1960s and Findhorn still survives today as the Findhorn Foundation. Off hand, I’d say that qualifies as a modern story of such spiritual beings as fairies.
In ancient Greece, the fairies took the form of Nymphs and Dryads who guard different areas of nature and often worked with the gods. In India, the fairies are the Vidyesvaras who take the form of goat-men like the Satyr of Greek myth. Once you start researching these marvelous beings you find them throughout mythology, both east and west.
All Native American tribes had stories about nature spirits, forest spirits, creatures who could cross between the spiritual and material worlds and so forth. The U.S. government spent decades trying to eradicate these beliefs and the whole ‘nature based spirituality’ and mysticism of Native Americans. Fortunately, that effort partly failed, in no small part because the ’60’s revolution’ opened up many American minds to the concept that Native Americans had every right to follow their own spirituality rather than have western spirituality imposed on them.
It can be difficult to find anyone who will talk to you seriously about fairies, nature spirits, animal spirits and spirit guides. However, I have found a could of folks in the psychic field who are excellent help. Psychic Yvanya is a spirit specialist and who also works with Ghost Help. Another is Psychic Penny who’s Native American heritage gives her a personal insight into these matters (and, she is also a ghost and paranormal investigator).
Hope you enjoy this exploration of Fairies, Spirits and Mythology … and try not to be too surprised if one day you, too, encounter a ‘being’ you cannot quiet explain. I told you they might be out there.
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