Hello And Welcome! Meet Psychic Medium Narnia
"Let Psychic Narnia Help You With A Live, Crystal
Reading ... Scrying For Insights Into Money Matters, Love, Relationships ... Or Have Narnia Combine Scrying With Her
Exceptional Tarot Skills"
Narnia’s Personal Ext:
(Toll Free For The USA and Canada)
If Narnia is busy, live support is available to help
The Psychics Directory is pleased to introduce you to Psychic Medium Narnia, a crystal gazer and scrying specialist (an ancient art of divination now being rediscovered), Narnia is also a truly exceptional tarot reader with decades of experinece.
Crystals have long been associated with psychics and the paranormal. It is one of the oldest
"tools" of shaman, Wicca practitioners, psychics and other spiritually inclined persons.
The gazing into a crystal is a form of "scrying" (scrying is also done with water, fire
and often mirrors) and is a practice that has been documented in numerous cultures.
Scrying using crystals or a "crystal ball" is sometimes called crystallomancy
and has long been associated with psychics, mediums and visionaries ... and for good reason.
It has only been in the last 50 years or so that science has begun to understand
the true power and potential of crystals (liquid crystals are cutting edge research
these days). Crystals have vibrational
frequencies to which they respond; crystals can work with electricity; can be used
to create greater clarity in lens; and the computer chip is very much like a crystal structure.
Did the great "seers" and "oracles" of the past know something
about crystals we modern folks are just discovering?
Narnia is a psychic medium who works with crystals, spirit guides and tarot
to help people see into the truth of love, relationships, finance, the future ...
even into the realm of spirits. Narnia's clients are continually
impressed with how her trance-like visions untangle love, money or personal issues.
This is all part of her overall spiritual counseling for
clients who want more from life. Often, Narnia will use tarot and/or dream interpretation
to weave a full picture of a person, an issue, possible futures.
Now, you too, can call and with Narnia peek into the truth behind
the way things appear to be ... discover how to make things
"crystal clear". Try a personal crystal reading, today.
tarot reading, today. If Narnia is busy, a live support person is always available to help
There is NO CHARGE to call and get questions answered about services, appointments, privacy
and other related issues ... it will always be up to you when, where and if there will be a cost involved for
a personal reading. Narnia will literally see you there.
Narnia’s Personal Ext:
(Toll Free For The USA and Canada)
Special offer: First Time Readings Are Only 10 dollars for 10 minutes!
Reading comes with a satisfaction guarantee! You appreciate your last reading, or it is free
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